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Register link to become a member (coming soon). Register link to become a leader (coming soon). Blog (coming soon).

The needs

New generations have many issues to resolve. They are notoriously more isolated and lonely than previous generations. They want to make change on societal and political issues. They have unmet spiritual needs.

The Biggest Problems Gen Z Faced in 2023—According to Them



Assist by providing resources, in building a supportive community of New Adults age 15 to 35, emphasizing connections with others, life skills, and spirituality. Be intensely engaging.


This Website tries to reflect the values of new generations. These include respect and equality for all others, understanding, support, acceptance of others, diversity and pluralism, compassion-kindness* to others, emphasizing connections and individual growth. Help people survive and flourish. Be intensely engaging, useful, and empowering.
* compassion-kindness and support to others meaning to want the best for others and a willingness to help them achieve it.
* Respect and equality for all others, acceptance of others, diversity, and pluralism refer to race, national origin, religion, relgious beliefs, ethnicity, gender identity, education, career or job, lifestyle, and other ways peope are regarded as "less than others" and discrimated against.


Operating-functional Statement

New generations are a living movement, driven by members, that grows, and enables necessary change, not held back by tradition, ever responsive to the changing needs of individuals and society, with a heart for social justice and advocacy. Highly collaborative, not authoritarian (grass roots, not top down). Open minded with high ideals. Changemakers.
*Living in the sense that it changes and grows with society and member needs.

Site host: Dorian Scott Cole


This Website is produced and is copyright © by Dorian Scott Cole (host). Use of this Website for information does not create any legal standing (locus standi, is the ability to appear in court or bring a legal action) or create any other obligation between you (the user) and the host. Use at your own risk. By using this website the user agrees to these terms and copyright terms stated in this "legal" section.

Copyright: Copying and use of information and images on this website, copyright © by Dorian Scott Cole, in any media, is prohibited. Any other images on this website are used by permission or are public domain or generated by AI, with appropriate attribution in paragraphs below. for ages 15 to 35+ is an informational resource ministry of Dorian Scott Cole. He began working with this age group many decades ago, and is just like them. It is a self-directed movement by individuals involved, not a business or organization. Use of resources is at the user's risk, regardless of payment. Use of the name "" is restricted to those who register, and use of the name does not create legal standing. (Connexions Life) is not associated with any other company, organization, brand, or product of the name Connexions, including in the past.

Attribution for images not created by Dorian:

Website text and images copyright © 2024 or their date of first use, by Dorian Scott Cole

Friends having fun in the park by verkeorg on Flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work in Finland


Can we create a better world for ourselves and others?

Those in the age groups 18 to 35* are the people most likely to make positive change. This is what this Website and movement are about.

All are welcome. To use this website for resources, register and sign the pledge to uphold the stated values.

* Group meetings normally should be limited to age 18 to 30. Those above age 30 should form their own group.

The movement and leaders

This website is not the movement. The website host, Dorian, tries to reflect and empower, not direct. He is very much inline with their attitudes and goals.
The movement is composed of late Millennials (1990s), Generation Z (1997-2012), and Generation Alpha (2013-2025), and many others who desire positive, constructive changes in our society.
High profile leaders of this movement include David Hogg on gun control, Greta Thunberg on climate mitigation, and Malala Yousafzai, a female education activist. Meet Sixteen Generation Z Leaders Who Are Making an Impact.

Creating Leaders

Movements and groups flourish with proper leadership. Leaders have to be in tune with the values and needs of the members, who are New Adults. Effective leaders have people skills, education, and experience.

Success in leadership is partly about building relationships. An open mind, and being non-critical, accepting, honest, and flexible; these are essential to building trust, which is paramount to success. Community relations and PR are often part of leadership. Success often depends on personality and the ability to relate.

Recommendations for leaders include those who support the goals, and have taken courses and can teach in leadership, building organizations and movements, marriage, psychology, sociology, conflict resolution, and spiritual mentoring, while demonstrating leadership qualities. Appropriate courses will be used for training front-line workers and leaders. Education is essential to successfully working with people.

Assistant leader recommendations: Those who support the goals and want to be part of the leadership, and who are working toward completing leadership courses.

Leadership organization recommendations: Leadership shouldn’t be learned and experienced in a vacuum. Regular meetings, mentor relationships, and mechanisms for getting advice need to be established.


Peoples Hub. Resistance, Resilience, Restoration, Re-imagination. Online Popular Education. For movement workers to learn, connect, collaborate, and strategize - in and across the disability justice and solidarity economy movements.

Fetzer Institute. "We encourage each other to discover new ways of knowing our sacred world and explore our personal spiritual journeys as we work toward transformed communities and societies in which all people can flourish."

How to Form Connections and Make Friends. Meetup Group online.

Spirit inSight Seekers and Sharing Meetup Group online.

Stakeholder Capitalism - a video podcast series from the World Economic Forum. Can capitalism be made to work for all of us - and to improve rather than destroy the state of the planet?

An Intentional Life: Five Foundations of Authenticity & Purpose.

Springtide Research Institute. Delivers accessible social-scientific research on the newest generations. (Dorian is a Founding financial sponsor.)

Training Courses

Three training courses are currently in development. Coupons for substantial discounts will be avilable to those who register with this site to receive information about additional courses. Courses will be available on

  1. Communications is central to everything we do in life. Leadership, our relationships with others, conflict resolution, and learning, and making change, depend on our ability to understand each other and create effective solutions.
  2. Effective leadership is essential to a movment.
  3. Making change is what movements do. The key is knowing how to do it.

Dorian is experienced in developing and presenting highly effective training courses for groups. He has excelled in being a communicator, leader, and change maker in many environments.

Future Training Courses

Courses may be developed by any qualified person and presented through this site. They may be free or charged for. They will have to meet training standards. Gameful Learning and timed reinforcement are highly recommended. A video demonstrating the course is invaluable. Udemy recommends a minimum of 2 hours of video for each course.

Types of activities for providing high quality life skills, opportunities, assistance, social engagement, and life enhancement - planned training courses are:

  • Life coaching.
  • Pre-marital counseling.
  • Health coaching.
  • Finding meaning and purpose.
  • Life coaching, mentoring.
  • Leadership
  • Becoming agents of change.
  • Critical thinking.
  • Positive psychology.
  • How to make friends. (interactive group)
  • Spiritual connection, mentoring, and growth. *
  • Budgeting. Financial growth, controlling costs.
  • Job opportunities, qualifications, educational resources.
  • Career development advice from local company execs., recruiters, school resource departments, etc.
  • Communications training: Discussing without arguing. Conflict Resolution. Working with polarized people.
  • Anger Management.
  • Minimalist living.
  • Parties with games, dancing, mixers.
  • Special interest community(s) for things like stage plays, movie production, social justice endeavors (nonpolitical).
  • A time for all seasons: Venting, praising, celebrating, etc.
  • Relationships and marriage enhancement.
  • Guest speakers from various religions.
  • Work with mission teams in benevolent activities.
  • Support online classes for educational opportunities and support.
  • Sharing cultures for a wider perspective and acceptance.
  • Online exclusive gaming and game creation.
  • Wider Community: Embrace other organizations like AA. Local religious organizations. Cultures. Others. Enlist the support of community leaders, organizations.

Life skills resources

World Health organization: World Health Organization has defined life skills as, "the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life". Module 7 Life Skills Unicef: Life skills are defined as “a group of psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and cope with and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner.

Skills You Need.

Wikipedia: Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. This concept is also termed as psychosocial competency. The subject varies greatly depending on social norms and community expectations but skills that function for well-being and aid individuals to develop into active and productive members of their communities are considered as life skills.

Udemy courses

Life skills can be categorized into three main groups:

  1. Thinking skills: Critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, and decision making
  2. Personal skills: Self-awareness and self-management
  3. Interpersonal skills: Communication skills, empathy, and cooperation

Interpersonal skills are used to interact and communicate with others. They include traits like:

Self-confidence, Critical thinking, Active listening, Communication skills, Delegation, Leadership. Some other life skills include: Self-belief, Self-management, Teamwork, Social skills, Emotional skills.

Addressing loneliness

Surveys show that New Adults are lonely. They don’t make friends easily, and have few ways to meet and make friends.

From Springtide Research:

“What I have noticed in my work with students is that many of them face the same hidden root challenge: loneliness ... I never got the question in my first five years at USC that I now get almost daily from students: “How do I make friends?” Students may have thousands of friends online, but few in real life …”

“Campfires are conversations that USC describes as groups of two or three or larger where participants begin by surrendering laptops and phones to the center of the gathering and then watching a video, followed by a period of asking one another questions.

“The questions are intended “to move people from acquaintance into deeper connection with each other,” according to the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life website. Clear guidelines for asking and responding to questions are provided, and student leaders are trained in the “‘arts of Campfires’ in order to make their campus organizations more conducive to the formation of meaningful relationships among their members.”









This Website is produced and is copyright © by Dorian Scott Cole (host). Use of this Website for information does not create any legal standing (locus standi, is the ability to appear in court or bring a legal action) or create any other obligation between you (the user) and the host. Use at your own risk. By using this website the user agrees to these terms and copyright terms stated in this "legal" section.

Copyright: Copying and use of information and images on this website, copyright © by Dorian Scott Cole, in any media, is prohibited. Any other images on this website are used by permission or are public domain or generated by AI, with appropriate attribution in paragraphs below. for ages 15 to 35+ is an informational resource ministry of Dorian Scott Cole. He began working with this age group many decades ago, and is just like them. It is a self-directed movement by individuals involved, not a business or organization. Use of resources is at the user's risk, regardless of payment. Use of the name "" is restricted to those who register, and use of the name does not create legal standing.

Attribution for images not created by Dorian:

Website text and images copyright © 2024 or their date of first use, by Dorian Scott Cole

Blog and stay in contact - Coming soon.